For now i just use “Get All Actors Of Class” and do so for each class type that is a child of it
You can do a get all actors of parent class and use a “cast to” child class too after your get/ loop .
Oh, so it actually collect all children too, that is cool, thanks
With the get you will collect all the parents and with the cast, select only the children.
If you have to do it regularly, you may can use an array of children too (not sure if it have to be actor or class to goes fine, needs test) and use the index as reference check, to have only one function usable with all children, you check from loop if actor is equal to actor in index desired.
Yeap, even more - you can store assortment of children objects in a reference variable of a parent. For example I have a modular airplane, which consist of collection of Fuselage, Wing, Tail and Turret blueprints. All of them have the same parent blueprint A_AirplanePart. Inside of the Airplane pawn I have an array of A_AirplanePart references and it can store references to all of the parts regardless of their own blueprints. I cast them into their own class only when some function unique to them have to be called.