I’m making a small horror game where the monster will be chasing the player. In this game are doors
that the player can open and close. When the player enters a room and closes the door the monster cannot
open the door. I want the monster to be able to follow the player into rooms with
closed doors but I dont know how to.
Simplest way would be to add a box collision to your door bp and when AI overlaps it simply open the door.
If you want the monster to be blocked by the door mark it as a nav mesh obstacle, and bake navigation with the door closed. Then use a trigger box across the door so when it’s open you can manually link to the other nav mesh area inside the room.
Alternatively, you can raycast in front of the monster and look for doors, and fail the move to command when there’s a door in the way. Just make sure it doesn’t return true when the door is open. Don’t mark the door as an obstacle.