I’m not gonna say the name of the product, but I spent 200 dollars on a bundle on the marketplace, and it’s not as advertised, and I thought I needed it but I don’t, so I tried contacting the seller on discord, through email, and their website, but they aren’t responding and are ignoring my messages. I know this because I sent them a message in discord, chacked back a day later and they were active and responding to everyone in the sever, but didn’t say anything to me when I texted them. I tried telling epic about this, but they kept telling me that they can’t process it without the sellers approval. Does anyone know how I can get a refund?
Epic games is not that great when it comes to refund. In fact they favor sellers more than buyers. I once bought a pack that did not work properly as advertised and I ended up missing my deadline. Epic games and both seller did not refund. They even removed my negative review
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