How do I get a list of objects referencing an actor Ina scene?

I have placed an actor in a scene and I want to find a list of all the other actors in the scene that have references to it, but I cannot seem to find a way to do that.

I know that the reference viewer shows me a list of assets referencing the actor’s blueprint class, but this is not what I am after… I need to get a list of references to the actor instance.

Would anyone know how to do this?

To be honest, I am not sure that is possible. I would really be surprised if UE could do that. Why do you need it? Maybe there is another solution to what you are trying to achieve.

Useful if trying to build an editor tool that allows devs to right click on an object and draw line references to anything currently referencing it.

We have cases where the only real way to find these is to either dig through assets to see the refs from the parents, or by deleting the object from the scene to see the list of references (not ideal).

Seems like the Editor knows the refs once you hit delete, just curious if you can somehow access that list without having to hit delete.