I have a scope as part of a mechanical object which needs to rotate based on a knob/dial that I need to turn.
I have the knob setup properly, it works great, but it should also control the pitch of the scope (in this case it’s a camera component with a render target material on the lens). As I turn the knob, I need the camera to also to rotate about 1/4 the speed because I don’t want it to be too sensitive. For example: If I were to rotate the knob 180, then the camera would rotate 45.
I included some screenshots of my blueprint. The top section is the knob/dial which works, but the bottom section is the camera that I don’t think I’m setting up properly.
have you tried just using the add relative rotation or add local rotation nodes. seems like it would be simpler like in the below picture. in the picture you can see that i have a axis value coming in which is a 0-1 (you could use any value you want or input for that matter), the full value goes into one component and then i multiply the value by 0.25 fir the second component.
Sorry I forgot to specify. The knob is turned in VR by my motion controllers, does this change things? I’ll try using the add relative rotation but instead of connecting the axis value to the float * float, I can try connecting it to my clamp node where the my pitch variables are.
using what you currently have wouldnt work with the add type nodes. the add type nodes basically take the rotation and add a certain amount to it. so lets say tou used a input axis based on the Q key, while the key is pressed it will constantly be firing and adding 1 to the rotation, which results in a smooth rotation.
now as for the vr part im not sure what kind of setup is required or which nodes your using. basically how are you translating the vr controller movement to a rotational value?