I’v tried this and it showed nothing:
And what is the different between proceduralMesh and CustomMesh components?
I’v tried this and it showed nothing:
Without having tried those two in particular in detail yet. In our journeys across the code and mesh generation we have stumpled often over the fact that the thing needs to “dirty” the render state for the newly added or modified things to appear.
I would look for such a function in the related classes.
I use Procedural Mesh with the CreateMeshSection node and it works.
In your sreenshot, the first triangle is a line, not a triangle. Therefore you can´t see it.
And remember: Order matters. If your triangle faces away from camera, you won´t see it too. (Backface culling)
Thanks, I’v just tried it too and it is indeed working.
However it requires the mesh to be built differently, And it is marked as experimental.
I would still like to know what is better to use and why the other one doesn’t work.