How do I flip a object?

I made one half of a level & I’m wanting to copy it and flip it to the other side. How do I flip it without using a BSP object? Because I’ve read you need to use a BSP object to be able to use the geometry tool in order to flip it. I’m using basic objects.

Any ideas to why this is happening?


Do you mean “Mirror”? If you go to the Editor preferences, Keyboard Shortcuts section, you can search for “mirror” and assign a shortcut to the mirror-axis operation you want.

You can Right Click the object and go to Transform in the menu that appears then Mirror in whichever axis you need.

Right Click >Transform>Mirror.

If You want to Mirror multiple objects together then u can Group them together and then Mirror them.

Select all objects u need to group.
Right Click> Group.


You could also group the actors if need be using the experimental actor merging.

ok thanks!

Thx bud. :slight_smile: