Hi there I’m fairly new to unreal engine.
Currently for the object reference I’m using an actor variable, and for the blueprint parent it’s a user widget. I connected a “print string” to the cast failed exec, and when I pressed play it was printing text.
(I disconnected the print string node in the screenshot)
Help would be greatly appreciated!
Are you getting ‘accessed none’ errors when you stop play, per chance?
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you should try get actor location from “As Coin” maybe that can resolve err, because this same happens with me but when i try to get variable or info by getting it from cast instead of refrence, it resolves my err!
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What you can do is to get an actor of class. Then you select you actor in the actor class selection pane. After selection in the output pin, promote it to a variable and use it as the object reference or wildcard for the cast to node.
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Creating just a variable of an actor to plug in as an object wildcard will not work.
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Its working now, ty for the help : D
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