How do I fix this accessed none and invalid url travel failure?

So I have an endless runner type game and I want to save my variables to a slot and load it when needed. However whenever I try to use my save and load game events in my gameinstance I get these errors.

My game instance

Also when I try to do a launch standalone I get these errors when I try to load from my MainMenu map to my RunMap.

LogPlayLevel: UE4Game: [2017.10.17-01.58.09:435][ 78]LogNet: Warning: Travel Failure: [InvalidURL]: Invalid URL: /Game/Maps/MainMenu
LogPlayLevel: UE4Game: [2017.10.17-01.58.09:435][ 78]LogNet: Warning: Travel Failure: [ClientTravelFailure]: Invalid URL: /Game/Maps/MainMenu

“Accessed none” means you calling something out of empty object reference (this state is called “None”), in other words you calling all those set and gets before you setting PCRef and SaveGameRef

As for URL makes sure it is correct, right click level in content browser and click “Copy Refrence” and it should copy you a path to level

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