How do i fix the interact key E

hi i was tinkering about trying to map a xbox controler to my game and i also took out a is player near wall pull down weapon code wich i fink is irelevent but after this my E interact key wont pick up the weapon its like its not responding at all alt text


You don’t have anything hooked to the E key and you’re not using the Interact action event. Am I missing something?

theres also this i forgot 2 mention lol

How are you calling the EquipWeapon event?

Its called by the event dispatcher interact

i have tried print string its running the code for E pickup but the gun mesh stays on the ground and nothing equips

Add a breakpoint to the interact event and debug from there.

i fink its my points system debuging with print string

fink thats were my issue is its not running properly

my friend helped me crack it it turns out in the spawn weapons code the is first and 2nd slot full were checked to true by default and in input fire LMB there was a branch condition that had ticked its self lol :stuck_out_tongue: