When trying to change material’s blend mode to either translucent / masked, the SM5 D3DCompile exception shows. I tried using two different versions of Unreal Engine - 4.25.4 and 4.26.1, got the error on both of them.
I have got the latest DirectX and GPU drivers. Output log doesnt show much else than just the D3DCompile exception.
I created a new project in 4.26.1 / 4.25 and still have this problem with the material that already exist in UE4 .
So that happens also in new and empty project.
May I have to update my software pc or UE4 ?
After hard searching!
*_For me i use Desktop not Laptop,
*_I Replaced the (power supply) and everything became well.
*_Because the case is Hardware not software.
I hop you have solve it soon .
Good luck