Hello Everyone,
I re-targeted the Animation Starter Pack to the FP_Arms Skeleton. I changed the FP animation montage to shotgun_ironsights. The problem is the animation is rotated 90 degrees. So when I shoot the animation plays to the right of me and I don’t see it. Anyone else have this problem?
Bro, just go to your animation (not animation montage) and there in additive settings, set additive anim type to Local Space and set the base pose type to Selected Animations Frame, and there select your animation, which is the same but you have to select. And that’s all. Have a nice day friend.
This didn’t work for me in 4.27.
Ferris Bueller youre my hero
Took me 4 days to find this solution!!! Thankyou!!!
If you don’t want to deal with janky additive animations, I found a different way to rotate your animation.
In the animation sequence editor Rotate your root bone in the Skeleton Tree to desired location.
Then there is a Create Asset button up top.
Create Asset → Create Animation → Current Animation → Preview Mesh
And your new animation should be rotated, and you can create a montage off of it.
Awesome stuff. Thanks, this was a way easier method!