How do I fix .pak file unpacking error?

I tried to extract the .pak file following this video ( but it came up saying

LogPakFile: Display: Using command line for crypto configuration
LogPakFile: Error: Incorrect arguments. Expected: -Extract <PakFile> <OutputPath> [-responsefile=<outputresponsefilename> -order=<outputordermap>]
LogPakFile: Display: Unreal pak executed in 0.000491 seconds

my command : "C:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_4.27\Engine\Binaries\Win64\UnrealPak.exe" C:\XboxGames\Weird West Win10\Content\Nova\Content\Paks\Nova-WinGDK.pak -Extract C:\XboxGames\ExtractedData

You need to put your pakfile location after the extract. Note the Error: states that you need to give the argument -Extract and then use the pak file location you want to extract, and then the location you want to extract to. It’s erroring because you have given your output folder as the pak extraction target.