How do I fix materials not applying to objects correctly

I have imported a Solidworks 2020 model into Twinmotion 2022.2 using the Datasmith plugin but am unable to apply ANY material properly to the 4 pitched roofs on the barns seen in the attached screenshots. It seems I can apply materials to other parts of the model (haven't tried all surfaces) and can apply a material properly to a lower and less angled pitched roof. Scaling doesn't seem to do anything only rotating the material seems to have any effect. Essentially it seems that the scale is just WAYYYY too large. Any idea how I can fix this?

For me this always means the textures aren't mapped properly in the CAD software. So you'd have to fix/change it in Soliworks.

Another option could be the collapse option you choose for de Datasmith import and last you can change the UV mapping in TM. But this has never worked for me how I wanted, its that unfolded cube icon, between the path tracing and move buttons.