What is the hair material blend mode & shading model set to?
If it’s set to opaque then the alpha channel is ignored.
Please show the hair material graph.
For alphas to work you need either translucent or Masked (though masked is better for grass) and the correct channel / material hooked up to opacity or opacity mask depending on the mode.
So I was able to set the material to masked and then have the alpha plug into the opacity mask. It started looking more like actual hair and stopped looking like a mop lol but i feel the hair still doesn’t look soft/realistic enough though. I’ll need to reopen my project and update you
gotcha. But that would probably mean I’ll have to completely replace her hair. Not looking forward to that lol. But thanks for the help anyway! I appreciate it
If the hair shader doesn’t work then try messing with the anistropy value and change the roughness with a map. I would also multiply the specular with your base color to some extent to get it to mimic a lighter version of the hair.