How do I find a location between two vectors?

I want to find a point (as a vector) between two vectors based on a float value between 0 and 1? How do I find that point?

The value between 0 and 1 will be derived from a timeline.


I tried this but it did not work:

I think you want to Lerp (linear interpolate) between two vectors:

The Alpha is the value between 0 and 1.

I would opt to create a direction vector from the two vectors.
Then using the distance between the two vectors you can simply take a percentage of to move the start point in the direction of your target vector by the amount you desire.

Lerping worked perfectly after some trial and error. :slight_smile:

C++ Version

FVector Direction = (EndPositionActor->GetActorLocation() - StartPositionActor->GetActorLocation()).GetSafeNormal();
float DistanceBetweenToFVectors = EndPositionActor->GetDistanceTo(StartPositionActor);
FVector AnswerPosition = StartPositionActor->GetActorLocation() + ( Direction * (DistanceBetweenToFVectors * 0.5f));