How do I export my metahuman to character creator 4?

I am a super novice. I created a metahuman. I sent it to the quixel bridge and I can see the file in UE (version 5.11). I want to export it to CC4 to make it talk with their tools. However, when I open CC4, I don’t see the proper file format. I don’t know which file to import and I cannot find a tutorial that doesn’t talk about live link. I have an android so I won’t be using that. All the tutorials refer to a download settings gear that does not exist with the current version. I have tried and looked for a week and cannot locate correct file location or correct file type or a tutorial.


Hi. Did you find any solution to this?

did u manage to solve it ?

Here is what I’ve found…

Basically, you need to go the other way around: Create your character in CC then export it to Unreal and from there move it to MetaHuman. To the best of my understanding it is not possible to go from MetaHuman to CC

As for the body, you can export from CC to Unreal and bypass MetaHuman altogether but you can’t export from CC to Unreal and have a MetaHuman body. In contrast, if you have iClone then you can animate a MetaHuman inside Unreal from within iClone but you need to download the preper body type and add it into your scene alog wih your character. You basically animate your CC character’s face on one model and animate the body on the other model and the two together then animate your MetaHuman in Unreal.

Thus you have to have both iClone and Unreal open at the same time and load up a total of 3 characters to animate it in Unreal using iClone… ooooooor you export from CC to Unreal, don’t use MetaHuman at all and then you can… have iClone and Unreal open at the same time and only have 2 models loaded… :sweat_smile:


  1. iClone adds features to animate MetaHumans
  2. CC adds the ability to add much better looking full body and facial textures to MetaHumans but since it can export it’s own meshes it kinda makes it pointless to use MetaHumans if you have CC
  3. Since CC creates custom body shapes it can export anything you want / make but since MetaHumans only have 12 predefined body types there is no point in exporting MetaHuman bodies, only textures
  4. CC has a plugin that you can download on their website that GIVES you the 12 body types that MetaHuman uses so you can import them directly and thus there is no need to import them from Unreal

I think that about covers it…

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