How do I explain this to my spriter guy?

I was looking to recruit a spriter/spriters for a 2D indie game, and one guy approached me offering to help. However, he wanted to know the color limitations and format, which I’m not too sure about. What’s typical for UE4 in that regard? Targa? PNG? 32 bit ARGB?

.PNG and .tga are good for sprites. You’ll probably want to stick with 8 bits per channel (the default option in photoshop).

Much appreciated

I dont understand why your spriter guy would ask something like that. Spriter only exports as scml and png’s (and gif but we dont care about them!) It is not photoshop that you can choose between a myriad of options. The only thing he should have asked you is how many png’s you want per second. Just my 2 cents. :slight_smile: