I have 5 characters, all using the same AI and player controllers with both controllers having AI Perception enabled. As a player, I can perceive the other 4 characters. The other 4 AI controlled characters can also perceive me, the player. The functionality I am looking to implement now is of this nature:
- On the trigger of an event, for example, a button press, the character I am controlling as the player, should stop being perceived by the other characters.
- On the trigger of another event, the character I am controlling as the player should be able to be perceived by the other characters.
Basically, I’d like to be able to ‘hide’ and ‘reveal’ my character on the perception radar of whichever character is trying to perceive my character.
The perception sense in use here is Sight.
The controllers only have the AI Perception component. They do not use the AI Perception Stimuli Source component, as with only the AI Perception component, they already act as sources and can sense other sources of stimuli.
How do I do this?
How do I exempt a character from Perception?
Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks!