How do I enable reverb on metasounds ?

I know how to enable reverb on sound cue’s but I haven’t got a clue on enabling it on metasounds

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If you’re implementing the audio component inside a blueprint, be sure to have the Enable Reverb Send ticked in the details panel of it.

If it’s C++, for some reason, it’s the other way around. You need to put the boolean of the UAudioComponent to false.

It should be like this:
UAudioComponent->bReverb = false.

Hope this helps!

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Actually I think the comment on that class is misleading. If you follow how it is set, it gets set on FActiveSound in the UAudioComponent cpp file, which then gets applied to FWaveInstance and reverb only gets enabled if it is true. See SoundWave.cpp (L3090 in UE 5.3.2). It’s false by default and that makes sense as you want to opt-in to having a reverb effect applied to your SFX.