How do I enable 'Cast Shadows' on a Niagara system created inside a Blueprint?

Hi, I have a Blueprint where I am procedurally creating Niagara Sysems, and I want these systems to cast shadows.
However, I cannot access the ‘Cast Shadows’ propoerty from with a Blueprint, only for the particle system if it is placed in the world on its own.
How would I access this inside the Blueprint, or set it to ‘true’ by default?

In Unreal Engine, the “Cast Shadow” property can be accessed via Blueprint by using the “Set Cast Shadow” node.

Here are the steps to do this:

  1. In your Blueprint, add a “Set Cast Shadow” node.
  2. Connect the output of your Niagara System to the “In Particles” input of the “Set Cast Shadow” node.
  3. Add a “True” value node and connect it to the “Cast Shadow” input of the “Set Cast Shadows” node.

This will set the “Cast Shadows” property of your Niagara System to “True” by default every time it is activated.

Thank you, I didnt know about that node, but the issue im now having is that it only seems to accept a “Light Component Base Object reference” as an input, where as the Spawn System node is returning a “Niagara Particle System Component Object refereence”. Is there a way to convert this or am I doing something wrong?

I see the issue now, it is actually the “Set Cast Shadow” node, not “Shadows”, so I was using the wrong one. Many thanks!


This topic has been moved from International to Programming & Scripting: Blueprint.

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Hopefully, this category change will help in finding an answer. In the meantime, good luck and happy developing! :slight_smile:

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