I’m trying to have it so the player walks over a trigger and their gravity is reversed to positive z instead of the default negative z. The player would then be able to walk on the ceiling as he would normally be able to walk on the ground. I also want to have a volume on the ceiling that will flip the gravity back to the negative z so the player falls back to the floor. I want to accomplish this through blueprint.
I’ve seen a lot of conflicting information about this on the forums where some people seem to indicate you can do this (but don’t specify how) and others saying it is impossible at this time. I’m wondering if anyone knows if this is possible to do in blueprint and if so, how I might accomplish it. Some people have mentioned changing the gravity scale on the character’s character movement component but I don’t know how you access that in the event track of the blueprint to set it.
Here is what I’ve been able to do so far which I realize is super hacky and not a good solution as it doesn’t fully work anyway (I haven’t put in the flip camera/player yet):
This will at least allow me to walk on an object then applies a velocity to the player until it hits a trigger on the ceiling which then changes the bool to apply a 0,0,0 velocity thus stopping the player. The problem is at that point, the player can’t move or do anything. I’ve tried applying at force (0,0, 9.8) at this point, but it also doesn’t seem to do anything.
I feel like there should be a really easy solution to this that I’m missing. A Set Gravity Z node would be great (especially since there is a Get Gravity Z node). However, I just haven’t found anything like this.
If anyone can provide an answer as to whether this is possible and if so, how I can do it, it is appreciated.