How do I Drape an Aerial Image as a Texture over a Landscape?

As the title, says, I’m trying to use Aerial imagery taken from the USGS map database and use it as a texture to drape over a height map landscape. I’ve read a couple articles saying that all i needed to do was plug the .png texture sample into the Emissive Color Pin but I can’t get it to work. I was able to import the height-map data to create a landscape but I’m struggling to create the texture to drape over it. I’m fairly new to Unreal and have just started to scratch the surface so please bear with me.

Aerial Image:

Intended Result:

Import the texture, call it T_Aerial
Create a new material, call it M_Aerial
In the new material, drag T_Aerial in as a node and plug it into the Emissive output. Optionally plug a black colors / zero constant into the specular material property to get rid of the shine, or set the material to Unlit, which will remove specular altogether.
Right click the material output node and add a set of customer UV coodinates. Create a node on it that divides the input UV by a parameter – set that parameter by default to 505.

Create a new Landscape. In the Material bit of the New Landscape settings, choose your M_Aerial. Note that this won’t have the texture layers for painting.
Import the height texture as usual.
If the texture doesn’t size correctly, adjust the divider value until it covers the area you need.


It worked! Thank you so much for helping me out!

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Thanks for the procedure. I’m new to unreal engine and I’m facing an issue when I try to import my aerial texture which is a 25 000*25 000 px image. It seems that unreal engine is not able to load this texture because of its size, am I wrong ? Is there a workaround in order to load those big aerial maps ?


No graphics card can load a texture that big.
The best option is likely to split it into 3x3 textures of 8192x8192.
You then need to create 3x3 separate landscape chunks, that have different materials, each mapping one of the sub-texures.
Or you can build a material that sources each of the 9 materials with an offset UV, and blends them such that only the one with UV in [0,1) contributes, but it’s tricky to get the edges to look good in that case.

Hi! I’m also new to ue, and only say that i’ve been trying to do something similar for a month and this is the solution (at least for me!) so thanks for the help!
(So hard to find information about this concrete use!)

I know this to late to answer, but for who will need it in the future:)

1.first with the "puzzle map " software, download specific area.

2.for the reality you can add height map. I have seen many tutorials but all of them need paid third party software or paid plugin or need license, etc. the best way (without anything) is this: just go to 30-Meter SRTM Elevation Data Downloader and download demanded height map. then go to the landscape mode in UE, in manage tab, select new, import from file (notice the suitable scale). then you will see the terrain.

3.after terrain visualization, you should add texture to it. for this you should create material( probably familiar with it). upload the satellite image which u have downloaded from puzzle map. but notice the blueprint of material.

play with the “scale” and "deviser " to fit the satellite pic and prevent the repeat of that.
and DONE :slight_smile:

Anyone Looking to do this, this is the easiest way I have found so I’m sharing it here for future visitors.