How do I disable the 'Weapon Fire' ability in FPS BluePrint?

How do I disable the ‘Weapon Fire’ ability in FPS BluePrint?

Hey guys, Im trying to make a simple walkthrough in the FPS Blueprint mode. How do I disable the ‘weapon fire’ mode?
Ive read a few other posts on this and people suggest going to the character setup option and editing it there…how do i get to the character setup option? I cant find it. :frowning:

Many Thanks,

Just go into the character bp and in there you should see a projectile setup -> just delete the entire part and after that you wont be abel to shoot anymore :slight_smile:

thank you so much. sorry i was having a moment of forgetfulness then. id previously removed the default blue arms and forgot where i needed to go to in the menu.

for future reference and for anyone else who runs into this problem…go to Blueprints (dropdown from the top menu) > Open Class Blueprint > scroll down to MyCharacter Blueprint! :slight_smile:


Alternatively, you can double click on MyCharacter Blueprint. :slight_smile:

ahhhh!! of course! thats where i went to last time!! lol.
i was searching in just the ‘Character’ folder. Thats where I got confused! Magic! :slight_smile:

Another way to do it is World Setting > GameMode OverRide.

If you just want to fly around and not clip set it to the GameMode game type.