How do I disable the tutorial hat?

First off, congratulations with another big realese! However, I have one “problem” the tutorial hat is flashing on every editor I open when I launch the engine. Is there any way to disable this? I did delete the tutorials in the editor-settings and saved it as default, but that didnt help.

Right click any hat. Select “dismiss all tutorial reminders”

Its gone! Thanks :smiley:

In OS X, I tried this, but the option you mention is not there. Only two options show up: “Start Tutorial [Name of Tutorial]” and “Show Available Tutorials”. I’m guessing the PC and OS X editors do not have the same features?

They moved to the settings panel under Edit > Editor Preferences… (screenshot from U4.22…)

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In 4.24 on Mac the hat logo still appears even after disabling everything in the editor preferences and also deleting all Categories and Contexts. Bug?