Hey guys, does anyone know how do I disable a function or stop it from working? For example, my actor within my level editor will be destroyed after it hits a mesh. However, once my actor hits another mesh within the viewport, when the actor hits the previous mesh, the actor won’t be destroyed anymore since the ‘DestroyActor’ function got disabled because the actor made contact with that other mesh. Unless the actor hits the third mesh in the level viewport, when the actor hits the first mesh the ‘DestroyActor’ function won’t destroy the actor because its completely disabled. Unless the actor made contact with the third mesh, the DestroyActor will still be disabled and won’t be enabled again until that action happens. Can anyone help me with this? If the sentence structure is too confusing, here is an image sample: `
If the actor collides into the first block, he gets destroyed.
if the actor collides into the second block, the DestroyActor function gets disabled. So even if the actor collides into the first block, he won’t get destroyed.
If the actor collides into the 3rd block, the DestroyActor function gets enabled, so if the actor collides into the first block, he can be destroyed once again and he will have to hit the second block to disable the DestroyActor function again.