How do I determine Agent properties in an OnDamaged event?

I have subscribed to a prop_manipulator_device… PropManipulator.DamagedEvent.Subscribe(OnPropDamaged)

I’d like to determine what ammo was used to cause the damage (if possible)… but to debug, I’d just like to see all props of the agent passed in to the event.

Is there a way to print to the log all the props of the agent? … or any other way to debug the object passed in?

Hi Dad, so to know which weapon was used, I believe you can only use conditional_button_device.IsHolding[] methods to determine which weapon the instigator of the damage is holding (at the time of the damage, might not work with rocket launchers since they’re not hitscan).
You’ll need to create one conditional button per weapon available on your map and ‘map’ them all to your Verse file!

What do you mean by all props of the agent ?

Hey Frenzy, thx for the info…

I have not used a conditional_button_device, but I will look into that.

As for the props, I as wondering if there is way to iterate across all available properties of the given agent since it is an abstract class and could come in as any number of specific objects. (Similar to java how you can iterate through properties as if the object were an array)

Hey, yeah good luck with the buttons, for the properties of the agent, you have all that you need inside Fortnite.digest.verse, for the agent class, we don’t call this abstract, it’s more of a header file exposing the signatures they want to expose like you have in C++

You could take a look at agent, player and fort_character classes if you want to learn more. Also don’t forget to look at extended methods.

Ah… right, I’ll cast the Agent passed in on the event as a player… but where do I find the properties & methods of a player object?

Verse.digest.verse > player<native><public> := class<unique><persistent><epic_internal>(agent):

Nothing else is listed :confused:

Again thx for the help… I try not to ask the same question twice. I am learning as I go.

If there’s nothing available, for example in the player class, then you can only use methods that uses player type as arguments (just press CTRL+F).

Also this is why I told you to look at agent, player and fort_character, you’ll have a lot more functions available in the fort_character and its implemented interfaces.

I don’t think you have access to any properties of any internal_class though, you’ll maybe have getters sometimes.