Hi my character from the UE marketplace came with a sword. I am trying to detach it so I can add an ACTOR class and a collider specifically for this sword to use to HIT enemies, unless there is anyway to do this? I cannot seem to get it off the skeleton. I tried deleting it but it’s still there no matter what? thanks
Can you show a screenshot of the inside of the the character blueprint? (to see the hierarchy). It would help to diagnose how to detach the sword
The sword could be
- a separate actor
- an actor component
- a static mesh component
- a component derived from scene component
or worse case scenario baked into the character’s mesh
You could attach a box collider and attach it to the mesh at a socket attached to the hand and use that for hit detection
Hi here is my screenshot inside of the character blueprint. So it is a little pumpkin character I got off of UE marketplace. It may be baked into the character’s mesh idk? So on the second part when you mention attach a box collider and attach it to mesh at socket, do you mean in the SKELETON, or in the CHARACTER BLUEPRINT?
Either one could you provide some steps on how to add it either to the skeleton (a box collider not sure) or the blueprint, I know how to add the box collider and attach to mesh but not at a socket? thanks
Hey @Tamarar357 I can go ahead and grab that for ya!
I recently helped somebody out with this so I already had the screen snip Make sure the box is a child of the mesh!
From the looks of it, your weapon is built directly into the character, but I got an idea. You can make the weapon transparent (or invisible) but adding a transparent material to the weapon. There is a free transparent material in the Unreal Engine Marketplace and I think it’s called Infinity Blade Special FX or something.
Once the weapon is transparent it would look as if the weapon never existed. You can attach different weapon and it would look great. This is the exact same method I used then using the free Paragon Character from the Marketplace.
Awesome! I didn’t think of an invisible material to cover up the weapon, great idea! I’ll try that out and I’ll try attaching a different weapon thanks!
Thanks will try that function!
Hi there, so how would I “add” the invisible material to just the weapon, it wants to make my entire character transparent. I think because the same issue as above, the weapon is built directly into the character? thanks
If the character uses all one material, then you can’t put a material on just a single part of it without applying the material to the whole thing.
Another thing you could try though is checking if the weapon is a separate bone on the skeleton. If it is, you can use Hide Bone By Name node on begin play.
So yeah the material thing doesn’t work since it applies it to the whole thing like you said. The weapon IS Not a separate bone on the skeleton? any other ideas? thanks!
What exactly is the weapon then? Can you show a picture of the skeleton tree area that it is attached to at least?
Here is my skeleton, but I think I tried to ADD a weapon socket, don’t know how to delete it now. But it wasn’t originally there and you can see it doesn’t highlight the weapon.
Try hiding the Bip001-R-Hand. Just to see if it hides the weapon with it. If it does, then the weapon might just be attached to one of the fingers.
Hide Bone By Name node.
So when I right click on the Bip001-R-Hand there is no hide option only remove? Or can you show me where the Hide Bone by Name node is at? thanks I am a beginner lol sorry
Hey @Tamarar357,
Hide bone by name can accessed via blueprints. Here is the documentation:
Hood luck on hiding your weapon!
Ah okay thank you for your help! I’ll try that.
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