how do i delete blueprints??

i putted down a blueprint in hello neighbor mod kit, and later deleted it beacouse i dont need it, after deleting it doesnt apear in editor but it apears in test mode, does anyone know how to remove it forever so it doesnt apear?

Right Click the folder and Open in Explorer and Delete it in the Folders on your PC


Hey there @JdbOfzo1! Welcome to the community! I work with the normal engine, so I hadn’t used the Hello Neighbor Mod Kit, but I’d recommend backing up your project and giving AreWeGaming’s suggestion a shot. In Unreal this would usually cause the engine to remove references to that object when it can’t be found on next launch. Though in some occasions this can cause lots of project errors, so definitely back up your project beforehand.

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where exactly do i go?? i cant choose the option with right clicking to go to explorer.

Anything in your Project a Folder or something Right Click it - Show in Explorer - It will take your to your file location of said Project

Hi there @JdbOfzo1,

This topic has been moved from International to Programming & Scripting: Blueprint.

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Thanks and happy developing! :slight_smile:

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