How do I delete a landscape?

How do I delete a landscape?
I have created five landscapes - four of which I do not need - while trying to get used to how to create a landscape.
For some odd reason though, I can’t seem to figure out how to delete any of them!

Click it and press the delete key :slight_smile:

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I’ve tried that; it doesn’t work!
I’ve also tried right-clicking it in the Outliner as well. :pensive:

Hey @Parabellum8086, welcome back to the forums! This is definitely a bit odd. Your landscape isn’t in a world partition or unloaded is it? You can check by looking in the outliner and if it has (unloaded) next to it. If so I can talk you through getting it open then we’ll destroy it. Alternatively, are you still in landscape mode? If possible, can you go back into select mode and try the deletion again and let us know the results? Let me know how all this goes!

lol I don’t even know what a World Partition is! :laughing:
No, it doesn’t say ‘Unloaded’ next to it in the Outliner (Here is another screenshot showing my Outliner.)
And no, I’ve tried switching to "Select’ mode to try and delete them there to no avail.


Oh wow that’s odd. I’ve been trying to see if I can replicate the issue to no avail. I’ve been seeing a couple of threads where people have had the same issue and I’m thinking it’s possibly a bug. I’ll work up a proper submission and might need to get in contact with you again for a bit more specific info. In the meantime, I’ll link some of the threads with some of the workarounds the community had come up with.

Such as deleting all of the sub landscapes in the landscape tool first then going back to the outliner and deleting it there: Remove Landscape - #7 by The_Hivelord1

One member made an6 editor ultility blueprints to force delete items: UE5 World Partition can not delete landscape - #6 by Visnarel

Some suggest it’s the temporary level streaming assets causing the issue, but I can’t replicate that, but it involves saving the project, relaunching and looking for the streaming assets in the outliner and delete them first. UE5 World Partition can not delete landscape - #15 by PolyMad

Let me know if any of those help you out, and I’ll be doing more research on this side!

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You’re still in landscape mode. You need to be in select mode to remove it…

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After reading through the different threads you sent me, the one where someone said you have to highlight all of the old landscape’s streaming proxies as well worked!
As you can see here, after I highlighted everything that was related to the particular landscape that I wanted to delete, ONLY THEN was I successfully able to delete it!
Now, I also read where some people were having a problem with the old landscape re-appearing after they saved & exited UE5.
I didn’t have that issue.
I saved & exited, and then when I returned, it was still gone!
Thank you, SupportiveEntity!



That wasn’t the problem; please trust me.
I just accidentally forgot to put it back into Select mode whenever I took that screenshot.
There is clearly a bug in UE5 that (I’m hoping) will soon be fixed.
As you can see in my screenshot that I sent to SupportiveEntity, I HAD TO highlight every related ‘StreamingProxie’ that was attached to the landscape that I wanted to delete.
As you can see here, Select Mode won’t let me delete it.
You HAVE TO highlight everything else relating to it as well. (I read this in a thread that SupportiveEntity suggested I read, to see if it works.)


Yes, sounds like a pain in posterior…

Yes, it was.
Credit goes out to SupportiveEntity; he helped me solved the problem!
Thank you again, SupportiveEntity!

Plenty of reports about this bug in the last few months and it’s still happening.
UE used to be cool, but not anymore.


I was finally able to delete the Landscape Item only after deleting all sub-objects (whose names similar to Something-Proxy-NN)

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If someone had this same issue, but just selecting everything wasn’t enough. What worked for me was selecting all proxies under the landscape, pin them, only then it allowed me to delete them and afterwards delete the landscape.


I just ran into this issue.

Mine were all unloaded, due to a crash when creating the landscape, which left most of it’s children doing nothing and greyed out.

To ‘load’ them, a quick way I’ve found is to mass select all the children of your Landscape and then Edit>Pin. Pinning them seems to wake them up. They can then all be highlighted and deleted no bother.


I met the same problem. There were a lot of inactive LandscapeStreamingProxy and I couldn’t remove any of them. You have to unflag Enable Streaming in World Settings and it will make them active again. After this action you’ll be able to delete them and landscape


Thanks this worked for me!

This worked for me. Thanks! I had several Gaea & TerrreSculptor landscapes. Took several tries to get the one I wanted. Didn’t want to lose it. I wonder if I can migrate a landscape to another solution?

I had this problem. In the Outliner panel, I right-click on the actor I want to delete, click on the ‘copy selected actor file path’ button, paste it into the file explorer, go to the directory where the file is, and delete the file from there.