How do I create Trivia Pop-Up on Collision?



The idea of this simple game is a trivia game / scavenger hunt for a few friends. This is a local Multiplayer game where there is only 1 Input Method (Mouse) and a simple command that swaps between the players (TAB). I am running the game for my friends as they watch. They will tell me where they want the character to go and what their answer is to the questions. Therefore, I don’t need this system to be user friendly, I just need it to work really.

I started with the TopDown Base included with the Engine.

What I already have implemented:

  • 4 playable characters in a simple world that can be swapped between using the tab key.
  • Collectible coins that disappear upon collision.
  • A counting system that keeps track of each player’s coin collection.

What I want to implement:

  • When a coin is collected, a trivia question appears as a pop up.
  • A simple “Correct” or “Incorrect” button system below the question that I can click. This is due to the fact the players will be in the same room with me and will just verbally give me the answer.
  • If the question is answered correctly, a point is added to that players point total.

Things Im not worried about:

  • I dont need any random variable for which questions appear when a coin is collected. As in, each individual coin can represent a specific question, it doesn’t need to be randomized (if that approach would be easier).

Here are some images to help get a better idea of where I am at.

Current Coin Blue Print

UI for Coin Count

Any help would be greatly appreciated.