I have a simple question concerning grouping in Viewport. Its seems such a simple matter, I’m a bit embaressed to ask. I have read Grouping Actors in Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.1 Documentation .
I have a group A and a group B. Both are locked (or unlocked, doesn’t matter). I would like to select them and make a new group C consisting of A and B, where A and B are sub-groups (or nested groups) of C. Ctrl-G lets all Actors regroup - thereby destroying groups A and B. Of course this is desired behavior for a “regroup” - so i looked for a “group” feature on groups (instead of actors).
But after selecting A and B, “Groups” submenu offers only “regroup”, “ungroup” and “lock” to me - there’s no “group”-item, so i don’t see how to create “super-group” C.