I have a UMG inventory menu working for single player, but i want it to work using a server. When i, for example, move an item on the inventory i have to call a Server RPC to Move that item and if it succeeds he calls a Client RPC to reload the Inventory again to show the updated changes. I can create the Server RPC event on the Event graph of the UMG widget, but it’s running on simulated proxy and i can’t use Switch Has Authority because it’s not an actor. How do i make this work? Thanks
Can’t give you a direct answer, but have you seen this already?
Yes i have seen that, but it doesn’t seem to do anything that goes to the server and back to the client. He’s just changing levels that have different menus. What i want is when i press a button i want to an action and update the ui when the action is done.
You have to get access to a replicated actor in some fashion.
But how do i callback to the UMG Widget to make it update?