Hi, so I want to give my character a custom box for collision, but I looked online and it seems you can’t, everyone said you have to use a pawn for this. But I tried pasting everything in the event graph from a character into a pawn and it didn’t work. I looked for tutorials and couldn’t find any on how to make a first person game with a pawn, they all just use a character.
Let me know if you need any additional information. If anyone can help, it would be greatly appreciated! (Keep in mind that I’m VERY new to Unreal Engine.)
The CharacterController implements a certain kind of character movement. It implements kinematic movement, not rigid body dynamics. It has state machines for jumping/running/crouching/swimming/flying and such. If the kind of movement the character controller implements is at all usable for you, then you will save TONS of time by using it, rather than trying to roll your own. The draw-back is that the CharacterController is hard-coded to use the collision volumes it’s using (capsule plus skeleton.)
You can write your own controller, that controls some other kind of Pawn. However, when you do this, none of the CharacterController functions are available – you will have to solve integration, collision detection, movement/acceleration/braking, jumping, swimming, and all the rest (including driving the animations on the pawn!) This is totally possible, but it does require that you write a lot of code.
Another thing you can ATTEMPT to do, is add a box collision on top of the character blueprint. This box will be in addition to the character capsule, and you will have to wire up whatever collision response you want to have to the box on your own. I haven’t had much luck doing this and getting something stable and robust, but I also haven’t spent a lot of time on it, so maybe that’s a way to go.