How do I create a enumeration for a Data Asset?


so my problem is that my enumeration is not shown in the Data Asset menu. I created the enum in C++:

namespace EWarriorState {
	enum State {
		Relax UMETA(DisplayName = "Relax"),
		Patrol UMETA(DisplayName = "Patrol"),
		Attack UMETA(DisplayName = "Attack"),

I know that it is compiled correct because I can use it as a variable type:

But when I look for it in Data Asset window I won’t see it:

Any suggestions?

Okay I found a way to do it. You just choose NativeEnum instead of Enum:

And if you want to add a filter in a Task, Service, … you do the same:

State.AddNativeEnumFilter(this, TEXT("EWarriorState"));


Strange thing tho.

if you have multiple native enums on your BB and filter them like this :

   movementType.AddNativeEnumFilter(this, TEXT("EMovementInfoType"));
    movementContext.AddNativeEnumFilter(this,  TEXT("EMovementContext"));

both will use the last filter you set…


I may need to start a new topic for this …