How do I create a default spawn point?

How do I create a default spawn point? I know how to create and place characters but I can’t seem to spawn at them when launching the game. (It throws me in the middle of nowhere unless I spawn where my camera was). If I go to play options, Default Player Start is grayed out.

Put a PlayerStart in the World :slight_smile:

  1. Right-click in your level where you want the player start to be
  2. Place Actor → PlayerStart

You can move the PlayerStart around just like any other actor if you don’t like where it is.


Oh wow, that simple. I was beginning to think it was something in the character blueprint. Thanks!

In the future you might have to have the player physically place in the map to add a reference of it somewhere in a blueprint. If you use “Player Start” You might not be able to do that.

I had the problem until I figured out that it is better to place your player somewhere and then go to the character blueprint and then go to

Auto Possess player: Player 0
Auto Possess AI: Place In World
AI Controller Class: “Whatever controller you created”

P.S. I have been using UE4 for a month only, this is what worked for me after days and days of trying to make it work.

PlayerStart does work perfectly and it is the easiest method but you won’t be able to add a reference to your character’s mesh in the “Level Blueprint”

Someone please do correct me if I am mistaken.

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Thanks, this worked for me after 2 days of searching for a solution.

did that but is till spawn on the previous point