Hi there,
I don’t fully understand how the character stuff works in UE4, ut quite simply I want to have my character walk, and perform a somersault when the jump button is pressed.
The jump wont need a begin or end, it will simply somersault (causing the speed to increase a little while it does this).
I looked at one tutorial but it wasn’t exactly what I am trying to achieve and still leaves me a little bewildered. I intend to use blueprint all the way.
Please help if you can 
From what I’ve gathered on the topic from searching myself, most people seem to suggest “Root Motion”. So, grab an animation that already has the model moving forward during its roll, import it and set up the animation with your mesh. Afterwards, there is a tab in the animation you imported, on the left, that says “Root Motion”. Check that box, then enable root motion in the animation blueprint.
Although this method is not what I’m looking for, I’m trying to find a way to push the player forward while the animation itself has the character staying still.