How do I create a capsule for a animal (ex. wolf) character?

Hello everyone :slight_smile: I am testing this solution, as I need - like so many of us - to have a horizontal collisions rather than vertical. However, in UE5.3 (not sure if it was always like this, as I didnā€™t need it in previous projects) I have a problem with physics.

Using the suggested solution and then trying to jump in game, often ends up in sliding movement - especially, if I decide to change player direction while in the air. The result looks like sliding on an ice after landing, instead of landing on solid, harsh ground. Itā€™s not desirable in my particular situation.

I tried to tweak various physics settings, but nothing changes. It wouldnā€™t be too bad, if I was able to - at least - break out of this sliding drag force and keep moving in new direction, but instead, for quite a moment, I canā€™t really do anything: I just slide and cannot even jump. Has anyone experienced that or have a solution for ir?

Does the last workaround work with AI? Its not the focus but it would be nice if it could work as a player character and on a AI one

@Santaiko I tested it only with basic AI controller, not even entirely as I have 3 characters in my game that I switch between, and they donā€™t move on their own if not possessed by player. AI-possessed characters seemed to have correct collisions though, but still suffered from the physics problem I described above.

I came up with ugly workaround for this sliding problem. I discovered that the reason for sliding was a never-endig falling mode - instead of switching to Walking mode after landing character remains in falling mode. It basically means I have to enable tick every time the player jumps and check, if player is in falling mode when character is already touching the ground. If character is close to the ground I just force walking mode and disable the tick untill the next jump. It works.

Itā€™s ugly, though, so if anyone has a better solution - let me know.