How do I creat an accurate Aim Offset

Hello friends,
I am working on a 3d sidescroll shooter and I managed to create an aiming system where the character aims at the mouse cursor somewhat following this tutorial: UE4 Questions Answered: SideScrolling aiming from start to finish - YouTube

I am using an Aim Offset 1D to set the angle the charcter aims at. However something about my Aim Offset seems to be inaccurate because the actual angle at which the character aims is always slightly above or below the the mouse cursor. I’ve tweeked with the the minimal and maximal axis value of the Aim Offset which got me pretty close to the right angle but still far from perfect. So im guessing it has something to do with the up down and middle poses I chose but I cant seem to find a way to make accurate poses.

If you have any Idea how I can make the character aim exactly at the mouse cursor please let me know.
Thanks I appreciate it.

I’m looking for the same! How to create an accurate aim offset, since when aiming with the bow there’s a torsion in the spine and also I need to distribute the rotation between the 5 spines.

I believe I have a solution, the aim offset can be made based on a neutral pose, not actually the aiming pose, that way it can be more accurate and simple. To make it simple I made 2 aim offsets, Left right and up down. Moving each spine a fraction of 90 degrees.
For additional precision, don’t make your shot animation dependant, but both shot and animation, dependant on the same variable (rotator).