How do I correctly import a skinned mesh from 3ds Max into Unreal?

Hello there, new user here and I have a question about importing in my own character meshes into my unreal project. I am currently using the latest version 5.4.3. I will try to explain what it is I am trying to do, show my process and maybe get some of the brain trust here to chime in and help me resolve the issue.

Basically, I have a custom character I have modelled to fit the base pose of the SK_Mannequin_Skeleton. I have exported an FBX of this skeleton into max which I then copy the skin weights onto my character, delete the Mannequin meshes, select all bones and my new skinned mesh and export as an fbx to then bring into Unreal. But when it is imported, it doesn’t seem to animate with the default animations even though it appears to have all the proper bone weighting. How do I import a skinned character from max into Unreal and have it use the default animations?

Here is my process:

1.) In 3ds Max, I import the mannequin skeleton fbx, import my custom geometry, click on the mannequin geometry and copy the SKIN to my geometry, delete the mannequin geometry and export all as a new fbx.

2.) Within Unreal, I import in the new fbx, reference the skeleton to the existing SK_Mannequin_Skeleton with the following options selected and then hit Import All.

3.) Once imported, I double click on the newly imported Skeletal Mesh and it appears that the mesh is properly skinned to the bones as when I select on any of the bones and rotate them, the mesh moves accordingly.

4.) I then go to update the project blueprint with the just checked skeletal mesh only to have it not be animating or respecting any of the skinning. When I swap back to any of the default meshes, they animate but not my newly imported/skinned skeletal mesh.

Sort of hitting a wall and not really sure what is missing or what I am not doing correctly in order to have it respect the mannequin’s default animations. Any insight would be GREATLY appreciated! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Much thanks in advance,


Just followed WoodyDevs’ video here and was able to basically retarget my imported SK onto Manny by recreating the IK chains and just targeting ABP_Manny’s animation. Still a not perfect but it works :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Cheers everyone!