We found another thread detailing how to export BSP to a 3D package (like ) by first converting it to a Static Mesh, then exporting that.
However when we try to do the convert brush to mesh (in 4.2) no mesh is created. Which we then cannot export.
Uppercut Games
Hi UppercutAJ,
I’ve setup some images below to walk you through the steps in the event you may have missed one.
select the BSP you’ve created that you want to convert into a Static Mesh
Select the BSP in the scene.
In the details panel under brush settings find the Create Static Mesh button and click this
It will be listed for the folder it will be saved to in your project as a uasset. ie. /Game/Unsorted/“Name of Your Mesh”
Press Enter when done naming.
You will see the BSP turn gray with orange lettering that says ‘Invalid Lightmap Settings’ telling you this is now a SM.
In the content browser search for your newly named and made Static Mesh
Right Click on the mesh and export.
If you’re still having trouble let me know and I’ll give you a hand!
Thank you!
If I do not want to export, just use it. How do I fix the lighting issue?
December 4, 2014, 9:59pm
I exported the FBX and then re-imported the same file and that is how I got rid of the lighting issue. Probably not right, but it works for now. Interested to learn the correct way though…
You can just go into the mesh’s details and give it a Light Map Resolution of 32 and it will fix itself. Let me know if that works for you.