This is my first question on this forum, so I’m sorry if i broke any rules or etiquette.
So the problem I have is that I want different parts of a blueprint script to execute within different ticking groups.
I’m also not sure what component/actors ticking group a blueprint uses for the tick event. Is it controlled by the ticking group of the Actor itself or the Root component or something else?
And what is changed when you change the ticking group of a component? According to the documentation on ticking groups the ticking group controls when an Actor or Component “Ticks”. Then it says that ticking refer to a piece of code or blueprint script executing. But individual components don’t have their own scripts as far as I’ve understood? Is the documentation just wrong or can you add blueprint scripts to components?
The individual components can be assigned to tick groups. So you can, for example, ask that component A is processed before component B by changing the tick grouping.
You can’t assign groups of blueprint nodes to tick groups.
Well my question is what is meant by that a component is “processed”. Exactly what processes are done for a component? Ultimately what I want is to be able to do different calculations for an actor at different times within a frame.
Hope this helps
But individual components don’t have
their own scripts as far as I’ve
Of course they do. They are their own classes and you can have as much code in them as you want. They have their own BeginPlay, Tick, etc. functions and you can set the tick group individually on every component. They just cannot exist in the world by themselves without being attached to an actor.
So: Create a new Blueprint based on Actor Component, set a different tick group in the advanced section of ClassDefaults|ComponentTick, implement the Tick function (usually already present in the EventGraph as disabled nodes) and put some code in it, add it to an actor and notice that it ticks within the correct tick group, regardless of when the actor it is attached to ticks.