I am trying to make a side scroller that has a character ability to move in all directions (forward, backward, side to side, and jumping). I took a look at the side-scroller template, but the problem is, the camera moves with the character when he jumps. Is it possible to constrain the camera to only follow the character moves left or right, but stay stationary if the character moves forward or backward, or jumps while in a level? If so, how would I go about setting this up?
You can detach the camera from the character and just get it to match his x and y position on tick so that its not affected by his z position. Or you could have it match the z position if you are going up hills but set a boolean when he jumps to not update the z position
Do you mean to set up the camera through the level bp rather than the character bp? I kind of found a work around by extending the length of the spring arm attached to the character, but it is not ideal, as if it comes in contact (or walks behind anything), it zooms in temporarily. I also tried doing triggerable cameras through the level bp, but that just looked very patchy.
Ok, I went on assumption that you meant to set up the camera in the level bp. I tried it a few different ways. By getting actor location of both the player character and the camera, and setting the camera to update to the new location of the character. however, when I test it, the camera is resetting to the exact location of the character (like an fps camera). Do you have an example of how to set thyis up properly?