How do i Communicate Between PLayerCharacter BluePrint And widgets?

Hello I making a queue for my crafting system and im stuck because i cant communicate between (back and forth) the 2 widgets for my que and the player craftign window widget where th 2 widgets the Queue contaontainer widget and the queue slot widget will be displayed ive tried several aproached first direct ref with no repsonse custom events and now im trying the interface method witch is the i think i need ive studies the docs witch are much help im a visual learner i have a hard time without visuals and i also tried youtube and searching for relevent topics there and in forums but nothing relevant to my needs most of the available info and videos are aboutn lights and say nothing of how to impement it like i need with the widgets and my player character bluprint i madr the interface and a struct and the interface with all the variabled i need and the functions with the apropiate inputs on tyhe interface and implemented the interface on my player blueprint and then called the interface funcion on me player blueprint where i need the first function to send information to the apropiate widget and added a cast to the widget with e function but but i dont know what to do from there its very confusing.