How do I combine multiple arrays?

I can’t, for the life of me, figure out how to combine multiple arrays.
I have multiple actor blue prints that contain splines for pathing.
Since they are different lengths and shapes, I use multiple “Get all actors of class within radius” creating multiple arrays.

This let’s the AI pick a random path from the array when it reaches the end of the current path.

I’ve looked through all the module options for arrays that look like they might be able to combine my arrays, but none of them have an outgoing pin with the updated array.

Since there’s no outgoing pin for the array, I can’t figure out how to access the array after it’s been updated.

Thank you for any help, I know the blue print is currently a mess, it’s a lot of experimenting to get something working before cleaning it up.

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Make sure your mixed array is of type “Object”. It’s the base class that most classes inherit from so it’s a good mixing base.

You can access the mixed array items like any other (Get by index etc)


Thank you. I will play around with this and see what I can learn.