How do I combine 2 node outputs into one

So I pretty new with unreal and I would like to take the output from 2 different nodes of the same type and combine it into one output, I am pretty sure its a thing and that I’ve already seen it but I cant find it and its driving me nuts, sorry for the dumb questions and thanks for the help.

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same type and combine it into one

It’s a wee bit vague. Floats, ints, vectors can be added together, rotators can be combined, strings and arrays can be appended. Execution wires can be rerouted:


If in doubt, do clarify as I might be missing the point here.



Yeah so I would like to combine the “outputs” (With quotes because I think I might be getting the name of these wrong) from these two trigger boxes into one output, is there any way I could do that, also sorry for not being really clear I don’t really know many of the terms.

Some operations allow multiple inputs, some don’t. Usually if a node can accept more than one actor to work with, you can connect several to one node:


Some nodes can only work with one actor at a time, so you can make an array out of them:

As for the trigger boxes, if you want to have the same begin and end overlap events for several of them, you can do this:

(After adding the Bind Event node, you need to pull the red square and add Custom Event node. It’ll only work if you do it like this.)



You can create a function to take as many inputs required and the same amount of outputs if required as well.
You just have to make sure the types match as your ‘arguments’.

Hope it helps.