How do I close a widget BP

Property me a UI made with a WidgetBP that close by Close Button works.
Now I wanted to know how the UI closes by ESC


Can there not help me

There is a checkbox “ESC closes Menu” on PrimalUIs default settings.

If you need to do things when closing you can implement the “OnKeyDown” function and do this:

The “Close” event is a custom event that does the same things as hitting the close button(ignore the remove buff stuff, just an example i pulled from an existing bp):

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When I close the window with ESC, then the mouse cursor stays on the screen are.

What should I do, that the mouse pointer disappears after I pressed ESC?

If you followed the graphs Mezzow provided exactly, then the mouse would not be staying on the screen.


But I, I then tried a file and as the mouse remains on the screen are.
Here the link is to the file: