How do I clear printstring text?

It’s pretty simple, I need to do a simple paragraph selection because it’s a school project.
Here’s the process:
(Intro text)
Select pg:

1 → press the 1 key and clears current pg

Back key → clears 1st paragraph and takes you back to intro pg



So, people who know unreal, how do I do that?

(P.S. I have limited knowledge in blueprint, and by that I mean the 9-part video series for UN4.8)

If I understand you correctly, you want to create a selection for text. (?)
If you connect a variable to PrintString you can then update this Variable on Input Events.
e.g. 1 is pressed: Set Variable to [Insert text here]
backspace is pressed: Set Variable to [Intro text]

The keys are bound in Project Settings → Input. The Action Events (input) have the name you give them there.

Hope I understood you correctly and hope this helps.

That’s not really what I meant, but thanks for that

I wanted to simply clear the text on the screen to make the way for some more printstring text

Ah. My bad. You can change the duration for how long the text is displayed by clicking on the little arrow on the bottom of the node. If you hook this up to a Tick node, you could keep updating the string for the length of one tick, and change the attached string variable using the Action Events. This should work. (You can set the tick interval in the Class Defaults)

EDIT: (clarification)



Thats not how printstring works. If you force it that way it gets really ugly.
Create a UMG widget with a text field, set inputMode of to UI+Game and handle your number keys in the UMG to set the Text or clear it.

While I very much agree that this is not pretty, this has not created anything ugly on my end. But since I was not clear at all on what I meant by “hooking this up to the Tick node”, I will edit my comment.

Ouch. I’m gonna be blunt and outright say I don’t know how to do that at all.
But at least I fixed this problem by fixing the timing.