How do i check if its enough space to spawn an actor?

Im developing a game in wich you, as default pawn, can morph(tansform, idk, english is not my first lang) into monster pawn, wich is 1,5 times bigger. So the problem is about morphing, because when player asks morphing for morping server creates monster pawn, posses player to this pawn and destroys the old one, but as i told, monster is 1,5 times bigger and if its not enough space in the current player position monster will not spawn, but players original pawn get destroyed anyway. Ive tried puttin on player another capsue collider, wich is 1,5 times bigger and on the server catching overlap events, but my map is fully made of bps brushes and for some reason bsps do not generate ovelap events :frowning:

Perhaps you could:


Target location to see if something is in the way first?

Ive tried putting on the player another capsule collider, wich is 1,5 times bigger and on the server catching overlap events, but my map is fully made of bps brushes and for some reason bsps do not generate ovelap events

Why? Convert them to static meshes. BSPs are so 90’…

Well, we are still developing the map, so we need it to keep bsps, but even if i convert all of them to static mesh, that wouldnt be smart, a lot of walls and other stuff you know. Is there any other way to make bsps generate overlap events?

That makes sense, ofc. Was half expecting it. Place a dummy static mesh for testing. Remove it later, or replace it with the real thing once you’re ready.

but even if i convert all of them to static mesh, that wouldnt be smart, a lot of walls and other stuff you know.

So you’re keeping BSPs in the final product?

So you’re keeping BSPs in the final product?

Is that bad?

Yes. BSPs are for prototyping. Blocking out. Testing stuff. Getting the sense of scale. Rapid iteration.

Okay then. Thanks mate!

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