im trying to make a simple death sequence for when my player runs out of health. im having the screen fade to red over 5 seconds in the matinee. When that starts, i disable the movement and look controls. After those 5 seconds are over, i want to re-enable the controls and have the player go back to start. However, i cant figure out how to check if the matinee has finished. Does anyboyd know how to do this?? heres my blueprint
I couldnt figure out how to actually do this but i just added a delay after the last node which lasts 5 seconds, and then used the Open level node to start over. I will keep this open though as im curious if there is a way to actually check if a matinee has finished.
Its rather simply actually. Select the Matinee you want to check in your scene/world outliner. While selected, click right button on your level blueprint and choose “Create Matinee controller” near the top of the list. It creates a node that has a only 1 output, “Finished” in it. Connect it to the action you want to happen when it finishes.
I dont know why you cant create matinee controllers inside the blueprint editor though, you always need to choose the Matinee from the scene window. Better not use the delay node especially if you are using this for level streaming, if there is a hickup on someones machine it could take longer than 5 secs resulting in problems etc.
Check this one:
(although it’s not working in my case - I’m unable to add the OnStop event handler)